What is your money?

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While in my final year at University, the day before my last paper, i received a call from a friend telling me about a certain job. This is the time when every finalist is looking forward to getting a job. So after the last paper, I meet the lady, she interviewed me shortly and introduced me to the personal assistant. The two had a brief meeting and in about 15 minutes, I was called in the office. She told me I was to be paid 250,000/=. On top of the 250,000/= I was to be given lunch and airtime of 2000 everyday. I worked for two months and Interestingly, the 250,000/= could cater for all my needs.

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After two months, I got another job where I was getting more money, over 1 million. And guess what, my expenses rose to the extent that 1 million was no longer enough. I hope we relate. I believe that there are so many of you who fall in this same category. Every time salary increases, your expenses automatically shoot. I would be asked how much I earned, I gladly said 1 million. But the 1 million includes tithe, transport for the next month, food, airtime, utilities, rent, cloths etc. Its after attending a seminar on financial growth that i discovered the 1 million was actually not my money. “Your money is only that you get to keep and invest” as quoted by the main speaker. For all this time, i didn’t put a lot of focus on my money, I only focused on being ok, as long as I have what to eat, can afford a living, I was ok. In actual sense the 1 million is my boss’s money. He or she only picks part of his/her money to keep me alive so that I row his/her ship.

This is an eye opener for all of us salary earners. Let’s not be blinded by the salary. Its upon us to work our way out of slavery. And the only way to achieve this, is to save as much as we can. Do not only save but also grow our money by making wise investments. The time is now. Don’t wait when you are 75 years old and your still being asked by your 30 year old supervisor, “why you are late for work” Tuzukuke (let’s wake up)

I have a millionaire mind


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Romans 8:32

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

When I had just finished University, just before graduation, a friend connected me to a lady for a job. This lady had property; hostels, shops for renting and a quarry. My duties were to collect rent fee from students, tenants and also the ladies who used to do the quarrying. At the end of the day, I would go to bank the money. The lady used to pay me 250,000/= per month of which it was never on time. By the end of the first month, I was already tired of the place, I had tried applying for jobs that are in line with my profession (Food Scientist) but never got any response. So one day while I was at work, I received a call from one my lecturers asking me whether I could work as a laboratory technician. The next day I go to Kyambogo University to get the details of the job. I was given the opportunity to work in the laboratory in the Department of Food Technology. That same day the Head of Department referred me to an organization called Andre Foods International, an NGO implementing supplementary feeding programme in Karamoja region where I was employed as a Programs Assistant. I got two jobs at the same time yet I had applied for none. This is shows that God freely gives us all things.

God says, He will not withhold any good thing from us. He is the same today, yesterday and forever and His promises are all yes. I want to encourage you today that all the good things have already been given to you. When God is in it, you don’t have to hustle you way out. Stop trying in your own efforts and let allow God take over. If He did not spare His own Son, how can He not also freely give us all things?

Pray this out loud

Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for all the good things you have entrusted us with. We pray that every day of our lives we shall be reminded of the assurance that all things have been freely given to us. Amen.