Every Event In Your Life Has Meaning

Utterly painful and evil experiences weigh us down to an extent that we lose ourselves. I believe no person wishes to go through tormenting circumstances. On the contrary, this is not the case. In life, up and downs are inevitable but what matters most is your response to whatever storm shows up. “Everything happens for a reason”, is one statement I have heard a zillion times. However, my wish is always for the reason to hurry so that I can witness the reason.

” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 NKJV

When all things are falling in place or happening the way you had planned, it is very easy to believe that everything is working together for good. Reality hits us when the opposite transpires. Years ago, hearing everything work together for my good never had meaning. I was always the one footing to school while others were being drove, always the one pretending to read while others move out to get something for break time; the list is just endless. Normally, the hard times challenge our sense that everything works for our good. The fact that most events do not appear with labels or indicators of what they mean, it takes ages for us to pick sense out of the occurrences. However, God promises us that everything works out for our good; first for those who love God and second those who are called according to His purpose.

Your current state is not your final  destination. The best is yet to come and God aint done with you yet

If we love God, what happens in our lives, it does not matter whether positive or negative,  is always for our good.  He calls us friends, sons and daughters.

Your current state is never your end point. God is not done with you yet.

God Fights for Us

​Romans 8:31: What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Last year on 1st September 2016, I was involved in a fatal accident, two days to my travel to Belgium to pursue a Masters in Human Nutrition. This is the time where everybody, friends, relatives looked for who to blame. In my mind, I was wondering, what didn’t I do right? Similarly, many of us have had such experiences where we question God. God if you are for me, then why did such and such a thing happen? For example, why don’t I have food to eat? Why don’t I have a job? etc.

Amidst the challenging situations, our confidence should be in God’s Word. The bible says, He is not a son of man that He should lie and His word never returns void.  In that situation, I looked at all the good things the Lord had saved me from that is to say I was still alive, I had my two legs, my fractured hand could still be fixed and above all, he provided the doctors to take care of me and the hospital bills were settled without investing any single coin. All these showed that God was on my side, fighting for me.

I want to encourage us to stay strong in the difficult times, knowing that God is working out everything for our good. Our main focus should be put on the great things around us during the bad times.

Progress is quickened when positivity becomes your main focus